Sunday, July 29, 2007


"My vision is to bring design to the people. I believe that design is a reflection of the users’ soul. Design is not only a medium used to express ones character but also a medium which creates experiences that defines ones character."

This thought came to me at a point when I was trying to figure out what I wanted out of my life. And more came to me when I started writing my SOP for Art Center. I thought I'd copy them here to start this blog so that everyone knew how I think and what I want to achieve in the next few years.

"In an emerging economy like
India I would like to contribute to the development of the country through design thinking. I believe that design can help public services become more efficient. Whether it is schools, communities or hospitals, design can help mobilize people and change lives. Most people who use public transport, health facilities and other public services have a fair idea how they could be improved but no forum to put forward their ideas. By seeking input from the users of the products and services we are designing, designers can improve lives as well as strengthen the economy. One can already see the shift in design’s influence on business organizations. From mere branding and marketing, designers are now working closely with employees to come up with strategies to transform the environment within the organization. The challenge now is to acknowledge design’s potential role in transforming public services and to use design and creativity to change the direction of government organizations."

"The challenge would be to improve the existing environment not architecturally, but by designing new products and interactions for the same space; to create a dynamic experience that would be unique to each user."

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