Sunday, July 18, 2010

Samarth Bicycle Trailer at the Cooper Hewitt

It's been a while since I blogged and now it's time to play catch up. To start with, some great news. I was in New York in May for the opening of the National Design Triennial WHY DESIGN NOW at the Cooper Hewitt where one of my projects was being displayed. I am currently thinking about how to take this from prototype to product to venture. Any insights?

1 comment:

Shannon Lee said...

I like your trailer design, and I would like to have one even though I live in the USA. I think many people of ecological and social mind would appreciate your trailer. So I suggest a business model like buy a pair, give a pair. Check out the website, I think people would enjoy sharing how they use, customize, etc, their trailer, and reading about how the charity trailers help to transform lives.
Good luck, and let me know when they are for sale.